Tuesday, March 12, 2013

deads on deads on deads

4:30 @ RNCF

3 Rounds Not for Time:
50 DUs
7 x Deficit HSPU (plate + ab mat)

NOTES: I felt really great on the deficit HSPUs. I like training these because they made my regular HSPU in the AMRAP seem even easier. I was still able to quickly link all of these together. That would be so bomb if HSPUs pop up in the Open!

Rest 5ish minutes...

Dead Lifts:
5 @ 65%  (153)
4 @ 75%  (176)
3 @ 85%  (200)

NOTES: Even just a month or so ago I would have laughed in anyone's face who would have told me I could link 3 200# dead lifts together. Even though I know that I need to keep improving this lift, I am feeling a lot more confident in my technique. I actually feel it in my hammies now, not just my lower back. Progress! I'm also trying to get more comfortable with my mixed grip (one hand gripped forward, one gripped backward).

Rest 5ish minutes...

3 RFT: 
10 x 185# Dead lift

Rest exactly 3 minutes

3 RFT:
20 KB Swings (53)
15 Ring Dips

TIME: 1st three rounds = 7:08; 2nd three rounds = 7:36; Total = 17:44
NOTES: I obviously flew through the HSPUs, but the 185 felt really heavy (185 is 80+% of my max!). I broke up my sets of 10 into 3/3/2/2, 2/2/2/1/1/1/1, 10 x 1. I was hurting pretty bad on the final round. It took me a ton of time to get back on the bar.

The first round of the second AMRAP wasn't that bad. I did all my KBs unbroken and I did 6/4/5 on my ring dips. The second and third rounds got a little more rough. I held my own on the KBs, but my ring dip endurance is NOT good, which is a direct correlation to my inability to maintain unbroken MUs.

I'm glad that deads and ring dips were both programmed today. These are two skills that need some serious work. They are also skills that are NOT fun to work on, so when I don't have to do them I usually don't.

Today was a good balance of one of my best movements and one of my worse movements.

Tomorrow is a much needed rest day. I'm feeling a little beat up.

I'm excited for 13.2 to be announced TOMORROW, but I'm NOT excited that I'll be in Legal Writing when the WOD is posted. Booo.

Cheers to 200# dead lifts!

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