Monday, December 30, 2013

50min of WODing


9:30AM at CrossFit Bloomington Normal 

Squat Snatch
Build to tough 1.1.1
3 x 95
3 x 115
3 x 125 (missed last rep)

NOTES: These felt average.  I was bummed I missed that last rep.  I only tried it once because I knew we had a long WOD ahead. 

10 min AMRAP @ 90%:
30 double-unders
20 airdyne calories
10 DB snatches, alternating (45)

ROUNDS: 3 Rounds + 30 DU + 18cals.  
NOTES: It was in the last round that I gashed my achilles.  Fun stuff. The airdyne is still not my favorite. 

Rest 10 min

10 min AMRAP @ 90%:
15 burpees, 6" jump
10 KB swings (55)
5 toes-to-bar

ROUNDS: 4 Rounds + 25.  
NOTES: I don't like burpees when you have to touch stuff.  It makes my shoulders hurt.

Rest 10 min

10 min AMRAP @ 90%:
9 push-ups, hand-release
12 wall balls (14, 10')
15 box jumps, step down (20)

ROUNDS: 5 Rounds + 21.  
NOTES: The wall balls actually didn't feel that bad.  I did all of them unbroken pretty easily. The box jump/step downs were actually the worst. 

I felt good to get three WODs in today.  I haven't done that in awhile. 

Cheers to dancing penguins! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Repeat Regional Event #7


10:30 @ CFBN

Front squat 
5x5 @ 70% (155#).  

NOTES: These felt good.  I tried to bounce out of the bottom.  

Squat snatch
4 min @ 105
4 min @ 115
4 min @ 125 

NOTES: I missed my first rep of 105# and then I missed my first rep of 125#.  I hate how these are still inconsistent.  All my other reps were pretty good.  I'm not jumping forward as much.  

2013 Regional Event 7
4 rounds:
2 rope climbs, 15'
Run 100'
4 squat cleans (135)
Run 100'
*6:28 at regionals. 

TIME: 6:10.
NOTES:  I haven't climbed a rope in a while.  I'm also not used to actually climbing a real 15' rope.  It feels so much taller than the one at RNCF.  I did all these squat cleans as singles.  I think I did some UB sets or couples at Regionals, but I can't really remember.  I know that I didn't rest as much as I did at Regionals between my rope climbs.  

Cheers to Insurgent! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

C&J, T2B & DB Snatches

FRIDAY: 12/27/2013

10:00 at CrossFit Bloomington-Normal 

Max Clean and Jerk
195 - Missed jerk
200 - Missed clean

NOTES: My cleans actually felt pretty great today. I failed the jerk at 195# and then I failed the clean at 200#. 

10x5 UB T2B

TIME: 2:12.  
NOTES: This was pretty easy until the last set.  I pretty much just dropped off the bar, took a couple seconds, then jumped back up.  I felt it in my abs/hip flexors before I felt it in my forearms. I've been working on forearm endurance, so that's a good sign. 

50 DB Snatches (55#), alternating

TIME: 4:20.  
NOTES: I did all of these "unbroken".  I would snatch the DB, put it on the ground, and then pick it back up.  It was a relatively slow and steady pace, but I never really slowed down. 

Cheers to Erudite!

12 Days of Christmas WOD!

12/24/2013 Christmas Eve! 


11 BOX JUMPS (20")
8 WALL BALLS (16# TO 10')
1 200M OH PLATE WALK (35#)

TIME: 33:53
NOTES: This was a fun holiday inspired WOD.  Jenna and I got to introduce Kelly to CrossFit!  We were all sweaty, tired, and ready for presents after this workout!

Christmas Day at Lake Bloomington

Jenna, Kelly and me post-12 Days of Christmas WOD

Hanging out on the frozen lake

CrossFit inspired Christmas cookies

All the cousins on the ice

Christmas Eve babes

Cheers to Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Max Snatch, Sprint WODs, Running


9:30AM @ CrossFit Bloomington-Normal 

Final testing day

Find 1RM:

NOTES:  I hit 136# on my first attempt, but I missed 145# about five times before I actually stuck it.  It was really frustrating, but I knew I could get it. 

Power Clean (75#)
Rest 10 minutes, Repeat

TIME: Round 1 - 2:37; Round 2 - 3:03
NOTES: This workout almost killed me.  I went way too hard in the first round.  I did all the power cleans touch and go, and I thought I was doing the burpees pretty fast.  I didn't really take an rest between fast transitions.  I think all the extra time on the second round came from slower burpess and a little bit longer transitions.  It was fun that I got to do this with Jenna and Megan! It's always a lot more motivating to do it with other people who are passionate about it. 

9x400m between 7:30-7:00 mile pace. 

NOTES: Jenna is awesome and got us into Four Seasons so we could do our running workout.  Running stinks, but I'm glad we did it. 

Cheers to Andy's 300# squat!!! 

Friday, December 20, 2013

30 Squat Cleans for Time


9:20AM @ CrossFit Bloomington-Normal 

Find 1RM
195 - fail
200 - failed twice

NOTES:  I don't think this is an accurate 1RM.  I've hit 200# before.  I failed at 195# once and 200# twice.  I'm having a lot of trouble dropping under the bar fast.  I honestly think I've lost a lot of speed over the past year from doing a lot of light weight jerk reps.  I tried to send you a video of one of my failed attempts at 200 - let me know if you get it.  Also, thanks for send those squat clean videos - those were great! 

30 squat cleans @ 155#

TIME: 7:40.  
NOTES: I was supposed to do this in sub 6.  I did my first 10 in about 2:00, so I was on track.  But I think I was at like 4:30ish when I hit 20.  I had two no reps because I caught the bar super low and couldn't stand it up.  This was hard.  It really blew up my lower back - that was the worst part.  

Cheers to Dollar Store!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Front Squat PR!

Thursday AM: 

10:00am @ CFBN

Front squat
Build to 1RM

223# Front Squat 

NOTES: I failed my first two attempts at this, but muscled up my last attempt.  It wasn't that pretty - but I got it. 

Shoulder Press
Build to 1RM
120 (fail)

NOTES:  I put 120# on the bar, failed, and then got 117.5.  I think this is the weirdest movement.  It seems like so much energy for such little weight. 

Strict weighted pull-up
Build to 1RM
44#kb + 135.8 body weight  = 179.8.  

NOTES: I tried 49#, but failed this.  I was less than an inch away.  

Rear-foot elevated split squat:
Find 6RM
45# DB in each hand.  

NOTES: This went a lot better than the first time, but it's still not as comfortable as I would like it.  It actually bothered my right knee more than my left hip.  

Thursday PM:

3:30pm @ CFBN

I did 30min on the rower at Z1.  I don't have an exercise bike, so my only options were airdyne or rower.  I chose rower.  I got 5858m in the 30 min.  It felt good and easy.  

Snatch work: There is a really good oly coach at CrossFit Bloomington Normal that has agreed to work with me.  He helped me for about an hour tonight, and I focused on two different drills.  The first drill was a three position drill.  After the initial set position pull the bar 1in off the ground, pull to knee, pull to pocket.  He worked a lot on fixing my starting position, pulling my chest up with my butt, keeping the weight in my heels, and hitting that pocket.  Then I did a bunch of reps from the low blocks (with the starting position at my knees) - focusing on keeping the weight in my heels, keeping my chest up, and hitting full extension before dropping under the bar.  

Cheers to wool socks! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Average Squat Cleans & Lots of T2B


8:00AM @ CFBN 

Squat clean
Quickly build to a max
92/202 (failed three times) 

NOTES: 191. I failed 202# three times.  191 felt pretty good.  I actually dropped into my squat and bounced out of the bottom.  It made the stand up feel so much easier than normal.  I just got my new max last week at 198#.  Today I put 202# on the bar and just couldn't get it.  I kept collapsing or not even getting under it.  I have a huge mental block when I put anything more than 199# on the bar. 

This lovely gem is my 265# back squat from Monday.  So fancy. 

Thrusters (45)

TIME: 8:35.
NOTES:  I don't really know how I feel about this.  I feel like the time is pretty slow.  I did all the thrusters UB - which wasn't very challenging.  The t2b rocked me pretty bad.  I haven't had this much volume for a long time for that movement.  I did the 21 and 18 in 4 sets, the 15 and 12 in 3 sets, the 9 in 2 or 3 (I don't remember), and then the 6 and 3 UB.  My abs get super fatigued on these.  My transitions probably could have been a little faster, too. 

Cheers to hostess with the mostest!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Back Squat PR!


11:30 at CrossFit Bloomington Normal 

Back squat
Build to new 1RM
265 (10# Back Squat PR!) 
270 (failed 3/4 way up) 

<iframe style='height: 315px; width: 560px; border: 0;' src=''></iframe>

NOTES:  My previous PR was 255#, which I hadn't hit since before Regionals. I failed 270# 3/4 of the way up.  I took quite a bit of time after 265#, so my legs got kind of cold.  Also, the gym that I'm working out at doesn't turn on their heat...

20x5 unbroken chest-to-bar pull-ups

TIME: 7:09.  
NOTES: I did all these butterfly until the last two sets of 5.  These actually felt pretty good, and WAY easier than they did at Regionals.  At Regionals I mostly did sets of 3, and I did some sets of 2 and 1.  I also didn't know how to butterfly at Regionals.  It's surprising, but I'm actually better at butterflying C2B than I am kipping. I never would have guessed that. 

10 min AMRAP: Airdyne cals

CALS: 135 cals.  
NOTES:  The first time I tested this I got 95 cals in 10min. I was at 95 cals at 7:15.  I know I got better at this, but I also was on a different airdyne.  But, this did feel a lot easier.  10 min also felt so fast compared to the 40min last week. 

Cheers to red glitter! 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Heavy and Fast Hang Cleans



6 Rounds:
1 min bike
1 min free standing handstand hold
1 min wall sit
1 min backwards jump rope (singles)
1 min bike
1 min half kneeling practice 

NOTES: I did Thursday's AM work.  The 6 rounds of 1mins.  I learned that I really suck at wall sits.  I could barely do 30 seconds.  I also go really frustrated with the handstand holds.  I can walk on my hands forever, but it's really hard for me to just do a freestanding static hold. My old gymnastics coach would be so disappointed...


Behind the Neck Jerk - work to heavy single


reps at 143#

I think the last time I did this I got 215 or something like that.  Today I worked up to 198# and then missed 209# twice.  I was just feeling off.  Terry was working with me and he said I was super slow getting under the bar.  He also says I need a ton of work on my jerk.  I guess my back leg is super straight and he says it's supposed to be bent in order to let my hips in line.  So, I stripped the bar and did a bunch of reps at 143# working on form.  

30 hang power cleans (135#) for time

TIME: 2:15
NOTES: This felt pretty good.  I did 3 sets of 5 and then the rest I did in sets of 3.  I didn't really rest much.  I just dropped the bar, caught my breath, and got back on.  

5 strict pull ups
50' farmer's walk (25# plates)
3MU + 2 dips in between each
25 airdyne cals

ROUNDS: 4 rounds + all MUs.  
NOTES: I averaged about 4-4:30 a round.  Everyone at the gym was confused why I was just walking around with the weights and then setting them back down.  That  was entertaining.  The MUs were kind of challenging by the 4-5th rounds, but I did them all UB. 

I'm really excited because I'm signed up for a oly lifting comp this January! Can't wait to buy my super awesome singlet :) 

Cheers to tacos and sangria!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Done With Finals!


Front squat 
3x1 @ 95% 209# 

NOTES: (This was actually 97% of my was easier to add 95kg to the bar than the prescribed 93kg).  These felt pretty good.  Andy said my back rounded a little bit about 3/4 of the way up.  But I kept tight at the bottom. 

Standing double KB press
3x8, Rest 90s (35# kbs)

rest 90 sec

Pendlay row
3x6 (55kg/121#)

NOTES:  These felt pretty good.  I think these were the heaviest pendlaw rows I've done in a long time.  

3 sets @ 90+%:
10 touch-and-go-squat cleans (95)
10 lateral barbell burpees
15 pull-ups
15 kettlebell swings (55)
250m row
Rest 7 min

Round 1 = 3:26
Round 2 = 3:23
Round 3 = 3:43  
NOTES: I literally had to run to the bathroom between sets 2 and 3 because I thought for sure there was going to be vom.  I almost didn't do the last set because I felt so awful.  But, once I started moving I felt a little better.  I just took longer transitions on pretty much everything and the rowing was a little bit slower. I obviously did everything UB.  I also used the men's bar for the cleans.  I don't want to get too spoiled by the women's bars. 

I took a FOUR hour written exam this afternoon.  I think I did really well, but it was so exhausting and super draining.  This marks the end of finals for me, which means that I'm HALF WAY DONE WITH LAW SCHOOL! CRAAAAAZY! And this is what I'll be doing...

Cheers to Winter Break! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Squat Clean PR & Weights

4x 400m (on tredmill) @ about 7:15-6:57 pace


Squat clean
Build to a tough 1.1 
2 x 99
2 x 143
2 x 165
2 x 176
2 x 187
2 x 198 (got first rep! BUT failed second)  198# squat clean PR

NOTES:I got two reps at 187#.  I got my first rep at 198# (which is a PR!, my previous squat clean was 195), but missed the second.  I dumped it forward. 

Clean-grip RDL

NOTES: I did these reps at 187#.  They felt pretty good. 

5 min AMRAP @ 80%:
10s flexed arm hang
16 walking lunge w/ DBs (40/hand)
5 ring rows, straps vertical

ROUNDS: 3 Rounds + hang and 5 lunges  
NOTES: This blew up my forearms so bad from basically farmer's carrying the DB's during the lunges.  Also, the flexed arm hang was harder than I thought it would be. 

Rest 5 min

5 min AMRAP @ 80%:
20s/side suitcase hold w/ 100# DB
10 toes-to-bar
16 box step-ups, alternating (24)

ROUNDS: 2 Rounds + suit case hold and 10 t2b
NOTES: I had to do this WOD at RNCF, but they moved the heavy DBs to RNSC.  I did it with the 75# DB and it was even harder after my forearms were already blown up. I don' t know if I could have used 100#.  The other part of the WOD was really easy.  Was it supposed to feel this easy? When the clock went off I just picked up my stuff and was totally fine.

Business Organization Final tomorrow!  

Cheers to pink singlets! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Heavy Squats, WBs, & Airdyne

6:00 pm @ RNSC

Back squat:
3x1, (242#)

NOTES: These didn't feel that bad.  I'll start working on the 'bounce' that you showed me. I'm excited to max next week!

7:00pm @ RNCF

Strict handstand push-ups
Unbroken chest-to-bar pull-ups

TIME: 4:43
NOTES:  I did the HSPU in 9/10-5/6-5-5-5 and I was able to do all the C2B pull ups UB. 

Wall Balls 
E2:10 for 5 sets - 35 unbroken wall balls (14 to 10') 

NOTES: I was able to do the first three sets, but I had to stop at 21 on the fourth set because my shoulder and legs were dead.  I waited 1:45 after I missed the set and then completed the fifth set at 35.  I also completed the 14 reps at the end that I missed. 

40 min on airdyne - This was long. I did about 9.8 miles and 330cals. 

I got to exercise with Todd tonight, so that was fun! 

Finals Breakfast tonight was amazing! 

Cheers to pancakes and whipcream! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

All About the Snatch

SUNDAY 12/8/13:

11:00am at RNCF

Squat Snatch + OH Squat + OH Squat 
145 (missed 2 attempts)
140 (missed first 2 attempts, hit last one!)

NOTES: I hit 135 on my first try.  Missed 145 three times.  Then got 140 on my second try.  This was the first time I've done OH squats in awhile.  They felt really light.  I was jumping forward a lot, so it made it hard to catch the bar. 

EMOTM 10 @ 80% (115#) 

NOTES: These were good for the most part.  I drew a line on the ground - since we don't have the board - and I was pretty good at staying behind it.  But, I did miss a couple because I jumped forward. 

5 Power snatches (115#) 
30 DU

ROUNDS: 5 Rounds + 2 snatches.  
NOTES: I added up my weight wrong and accidentally put 115# on the bar, instead of the prescribed 110#.  These were pretty hard.  My legs were pretty beat by the end.  I haven't done power snatches for awhile, so I was kind of all over the place in the last couple rounds.  I also missed like 4-5 DU, which usually never happens.  This just wasn't a really good showing for me. 

4 sets 30s airdyne w/ 4:30 rest - they were all consistently at 14cal (on the busted RNCF bike)

rest 7 minutes 

4 sets 30s row w/ 4:30 rest - they were all consistently at 150ishm at an average 1:40 pace. When I try and row really fast like this, my butt pops off the seat a lot and I have to keep re positioning myself.  

P.S. Only FOUR days left of the Fall Semester! 

Cheers to Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!