Monday, April 8, 2013

(Wo)Man Test

5pm @ RNCF

[First day of Andy's Programming!]

Thank you Billy for the awesome pictures from 13.5. 

3 Rounds Not for Time:
Work on Butterfly Pull-Ups
5 x Snatch Grip Push Press
10 x OH Squat (upright with weight in heels!)

NOTES: Butterflying makes me crazy. It just doesn't click with me. Ugh. Just need (alot) more practice.

Back Squat:
15 Minutes to work up to 1RM Back Squat
4 x 125
1 x 175
1 x 195
1 x 205

NOTES: I actually felt pretty good at 205, but I'm really scared to dump/bail on back squats because I have this awful habit of dumping it over my head - which is very dangerous. I realized today that this mental game of dumping the bar has really limited me on pushing my back squat as high as I know it can go. So, after I got to 205 I took some weight off and practiced dumping it off my back.  Hopefully I get more comfortable with this ASAP.

'Man Test'
5 - 4 - 3- 2 - 1
Squat Snatch (95)
Deficit HSPU (each hand on 45# plate)
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Clean and Jerk (155)
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Dead Lift (185)
Muscle Ups

TIME: 22:40
NOTES: First off, that's sexist that it's called the Man Test! Where's the Woman Test!? 
Round 1: (4:08)     Round 2: (8:48)     Round: (9:44)
I was actually pretty pleased with this performance   It felt good to combine super heavy weight with highly technical skills. This is why I love CrossFit. There were like a million people at the gym today, so I had to keep moving my bar around and waiting for people to move (so I wouldn't drop 155# on them...). Needless to say, my transitions were not great and I took quite a bit of rest.

Scapula Stabilization:
2 Rounds Not for Time:
Trap 3
External Rotation
1 Arm Reverse Fly

NOTES: Perform each movement with 3 second negative.

I can already tell, from Day 1, that Andy's programming and coaching is going to be phenomenal  I'm really pumped for Regionals, but I'm even more excited to train hard next season!

Cheers to Spring Weather!

1 comment:

  1. On Butterflies, If you continue to work on them then you will won't remember the days when you just couldn't do it. If I'm not available to help then ask Torres or Peter Rahal. Torres would be more similar to you but Peter is very efficient with his form.
    If you want you can change the Man Test to the "Princess Warrior Test" haha... From what I saw you looked really good. You are still jumping forward on your snatch and I believe it's because you raise your hips to fast in the first pull. Your jerk was getting sloppy but with one cue you instantly improved. I wish I could have saw you do the DL/MU part but like you said the gym got crazy fast. I felt like I was herding cattle.
    Keep up the good work!!
