Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Big Weight

3pm @ RNCF

3 Rounds Skill Work:
8 x Weighted Strict Pull-Ups (5lb)
70ft Handstand Walk
50 DU

NOTES: All of these skills were really fun.  I'm trying to work on making my DUs quicker.

Squat Clean & Jerk
15 minutes to establish 1RM
1 x 85
1 x 115
1 x 145
1 x 155
1 x 165
1 x 175 (PR!!!!)

NOTES: I felt really good on these today once I started using my hips a little more in my squat clean. I have a lot of room for improvement - I still don't have an aggressive hip. BUT, I was really excited about hitting 175! Katie took a video of that rep, and it was really helpful to watch myself. It's crazy how good the jerks feel.

1 x 60% Squat Clean (105) every 15 seconds for 2:00
     right into...
1 x Squat Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk (105) for remaining 3:00

NOTES: This was incredibly light. I actually started doing reps every 10 seconds for the first set and every 15-20 seconds for the complex. I was able to keep my heart rate pretty controlled.

Back Squat
15 Minutes to establish 1RM
1 x 105
1 x 145
1 x 175
1 x 195
1 x 205
1 x 215
1 x 225 (PR!!!) 

NOTES: I am stoked about this back squat!!!! 225 actually felt pretty good until half way up - when I let my core get loose. My squatting has improved so much over the last months. I'm excited to keep training this movement.
SIDE NOTE: When I was putting away my weights I made the ultimate rookie mistake.  I cleared all the weight from one side of the bar, which caused the bar to rocket launch off the rack, hit the pull-up rig, send 100+ lbs of weight scattering throughout the gym, almost take out Emily, and cause a really big scene. My bad.

OH Squat (75)
Toes to Bar

TIME: 7:13
NOTES: I broke up all my OH Squats into sets of 10 and my toes to bar into 5s. I am feeling a lot more comfortable with OH squats. I feel a lot more stable and in control. My legs were definitely fatigued during this WOD, but I still felt pretty good. My hands got pretty sore on the toes to bar.

8 x 250m Row (rest 90 seconds)
1. 1:17 (?)
2. 58.8
3. 58.7
4. 59.2
5. 58.6
6. 57.5
7. 58.3
8. 57.7

NOTES: I have no idea why my first 250 recorded that slow. I think I just messed up the machine. Who knows.  I literally thought my quads were going to burst during the last 4 rounds of this. It was really mentally tough to push hard through those last rounds. It's really good programming to train hard in a fatigued state like that after a long day.

It felt so great to final hit some heavy weights again.  I'm really excited to get back in the gym on Thursday.  (But I think my legs are more excited that tomorrow is a rest day.)

Cheers to a surprise visit from Aunt Heidi and Casey!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the SQ CL and BS. I guess I should have kept my original plan of 70% on the Sq Clean. I like the way you are responding to the back squat routine, I can't wait until you hit 250! We need to get you rowing more efficiently. When you finished you should have said my ass/glutes hurt! I believe you are opening your hip too soon putting all the tension on the quads.
    Enjoy your rest day!
