Friday, April 12, 2013


5pm @ RNCF

3 x Skill Work
8-10 Deficit HSPU
10 Toes to Bar
10 Triple Unders (!)

NOTES: My shoulder/arms/chest are actually really sore from Cindy yesterday, so the deficit HSPU were harder than usual. I did my first set of 8 unbroken, then two sets of four, then three sets of three. The toes to bar felt great. I'm working on making those quick with less of a kip. The triple unders were really fun. I'm not able to link them together, but I could string together a triple under, a couple DUs, triple under, DUs, etc.

Power Clean & Jerk
15 minutes to establish 1RM
1 x 85
1 x 125
1 x 145
1 x 165
1 x 175 (just power clean, no jerk)

NOTES: I was surprised how easy the 165 power clean felt. Andy told me to stop when I started splitting my legs/not landing my clean in a normal position. I caught 175 with my legs a little wider than I would have liked, and my elbow is bothering me, so I didn't jerk it. I wish that I could've had someone watching these power cleans. I don't really know what these are supposed to look like/feel like.

Back Squat
15 minutes to establish 1RM
1 x 125
1 x 175
1 x 195
1 x 205
1 x 215
1 x 225

NOTES: I'm definitely getting more confident under heavier weight. I like this squat program that Andy has me on (aka squat heavy every day).

20 KB Swings (53)
400m Run

TIME: 16:10
NOTES: I really wish I could have done this workout with someone. I did men's RX, so I don't know if my time was slow because the weight was heavy, or if I was just running slow. I have no idea if this is a respectable time. I did my first two sets of KB swings unbroken, then the last three I did 12-8. My back really tightened up on the run.  And it was windy.  And it was drizzling   It was just not a very pleasant experience, to say the least.

Work on a Weakness: 
5 x 20 Ab Mat Sit-Ups (30 second rest)

NOTES: I have pretty great sit-up endurance, but I'm pretty slow at them.  I tried to go as fast as possible.

Cheers to Toy Story on Disney Channel!

1 comment:

  1. You now understand the point behind squatting heavy everyday! If you don't have anyone to watch your form (power cleans) record it then email or show it to me. Try sticking an extra 5lbs on those squats this week. Put the 2.5's on when you put the 1 lbs on.
