Friday, August 30, 2013

Snatch Work & 'Jack'

9am at River North CrossFit

3 Rounds Not for Time
Do the entire complex unbroken
5 BB Sots Press
5 Snatch grip press
5 OH Squats
5 BB Jump squats
5 snatch balance

NOTES: This was a fun complex to warm up with. I have to remember the snatch balance set up: start with feet in jumping stance, then jump feet out wider when you squat.

30+ minutes of technique

NOTES: This is what I have been begging for all summer. Andy coached me through about a million and a half reps today. We actually took the time to strip down the bar and pull a ton of reps from the high hang.

Here are the cues that actually worked:
'jump' back (aka lean back with your shoulders - think BACK instead of thinking 'don't jump forward')
don't JUMP (you do NOT need to jump off the ground - your feet will move on their own)
squeeze shoulder blades together
keep shoulders rotated back (correct posture!)

I think that these session really sunk in. I'm hopefully that we elicited some lasted change. FINALLY

OH Squat
Find 1RM

1 x 95
1 x 125
1 x 145
1 x 165 (failed back jerk, make)
1 x 175
1 x 185 PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 x 190 (fail, fail)

NOTES: I am ecstatic about this PR. I think OH squat is a very tricky lift, so I'm glad that I'm getting better at it. And the best part about the lift was that it didn't feel that heavy. I KNOW (and Andy agrees) that I could have gotten 190#, but I was really tired and lost focus by this point. I'll get it next time.

Back Squat
Find 1RM
1 x 190
1 x 215
1 x 230 (fail)
1 x 225

NOTES: The weirdest thing has been happening on my squats. I am able to drop, get up from the bottom, and get about 3/4 of the way up, but then I get stuck. It's like I loose all tension in my quads and my glutes, so I loose all momentum and can't stand it up. It's really annoying - especially because it looks like I'm just giving up. I have to keep remembering that I haven't squatted heavy for several months and that I took a whole week off from legs.

10 Push Press (85)
10 KB Swings (35#)
10 Box Jumps (20")

ROUNDS: 11 + 24
NOTES: I did my first 6-7 sets of push presses UB, then I broke the rest up into sets of 6-4. I tried really hard not to put the bar down. The KB swings were fine, but I could tell that my shoudlers were fatigued from the 100 pull ups I had done less than 12 hours ago. My legs were feeling a little sluggish (from maxing on BS and rowing last night), so I felt more comfortable stepping down from the box. It kept my breathing under control and it saved my calves/ankles/knees. I wish I would have been chasing people. I'm kind of mad that I didn't pick up the pace at the last 2min. I pretty much kept the same intensity the entire time. I wouldn't be surprised in my splits were almost all identical - which is good and bad. I had enough energy 'saved' up at the end to go harder.

Cheers to cite checking!

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