Friday, May 3, 2013


5pm @ RNCF

3 x Skill Work
5 x KB Sots Press
10 x KB Snatch (35)
10 x Squat w/ Band

NOTES: The snatches felt kind of weird on my elbow today. I have no idea why.

Off the Blocks.
6 x 85
4 x 115
1 x 135
1 x 155
1 x 175
1 x 185 (PR!)
1 x 190 (PR!!!) 
1 x 200 (HUGE PR!!!!!)

NOTES: Words cannot describe my elated joy resulting from this magical lift. Andy was working with me all day to keep my chest up, and not let the bar slide down. Finally, on my third attempt at 200# I finally got it right, and 200# just floated above my head like a feather. A very heavy feather. I could tell right when I dipped that I was going to stick this lift. It feels so great to work really hard in the gym everyday and see the results. Ohhhhh yeahhhh!

Back Squat
3 x 125
1 x 175
1 x 205
1 x 215
1 x 230
1 x 240 (PR!)

NOTES: I think I was still on a crazy adrenaline high after the jerks, that the back squats felt easy. I just PRed my back squat at 235# yesterday, but I increased that to 240# today. I probably could have even squeezed a couple more pounds, but I called it quits just for safe measures. Andy took a video of me (kinda). He captured the last part of my squat.

240# Back Squat

Clean and Jerk Practice:
15 UB (65)
12 UB (75)
9 UB (85)

NOTES: I went way way way too light on this. It pretty much just became an aerobic exercise. I just tried to pull it as quick as possible. If I did this again, I would probably start with at least 100# on the 15. I pretty much screwed this up. My bad. 

Skill WOD:
75 DU
10 Wall Walks
25 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Wall Walks
75 DU

TIME: 8ish min
NOTES: This time is not accurate at all. I had to fight off a full class while doing this WOD. I got stopped up a ton of times. The wall walks were pretty brutal.  I did 5-3-2 for each set and was smoked by the 10th rep. The GHDs felt awful like usual. I need to work on these a lot more and a lot more often. 

1 Mile Run @ RNCF
TIME: 7:35

Rest 5 minutes

660m Run @ RNCF
TIME: 2:45 

NOTES: I wish I could have run this on the track so I could have gotten an actual time for this. I ended up having to dodge a lot of business persons, babies, and dogs. My shins actually flared up really bad on this run. It was pretty painful. So I cut the last run short and just tried to finish hard. My legs were pretty smoked by the time I got to this. 

Overall a great day in the gym. I'm so blessed to have such great encouragement from everyone at the box! 

Also, Andy deserves a special shout out. His programming is amazing! I can't wait to see where I'm going to be at this time next year! It's going to be an exciting journey. 


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