Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bullet Proof Vest (kinda)

6pm @ RNCF

3 x Skill Work
2 x Rope Climbs
10 x BF Pull Up
10 x TU

NOTES: My rope climbs felt the best they ever have! I was excited about this.

Power Clean
5 x 85
3 x 125
1 x 155
1 x 175
1 x 185
4 x 195 (fail, fail, fail, fail)

NOTES: I'm glad I got 185 today, but I wish I could have got that 195. I actually put 200# on the bar and totally freaked out. I had to take 5# off in order to get my head back. I was pretty close on a couple of the reps.  I just need to work on my elbow flexibility   I'm catching the bar pretty low on my chest and it's bothering my wrists. But, no worries, Andy already showed me a couple different tips and tricks to solve this problem.

2012 Games Clean Ladder:
140-150-160-170-180-190 (fail)
45sec to change weight and transition between lifts

NOTES: I actually caught 190 in a pretty good position, but I couldn't stand it up. I'll take 180 for now.

Back Squat
1 x 140
1 x 175
1 x 200
1 x 210
1 x 220
1 x 235 (PR!!!!)

And this is what 235# looks like. Pretty sweet, huh. 
NOTES: I hadn't back squatted for a couple days, and I was really excited to try and PR this. I put on a belt today for my 220 and 235 reps, which felt great. I'm excited to keep moving heavy weight.

Rest 10 minutes

5 Rounds:
(All performed with weighted vest: 11.6lbs)
250m Row
10 Squat Clean Thrusters (65)
15 Burpees
Rest 3 minutes

TIME: 27:35
NOTES: In my spiffy weighted vest, I felt like I could fight crime and/or stop a bullet.

Although I admired the aesthetics of it, I severely underestimated the power of the vest. Vest = hard to breathe. I actually did all my 'squat clean' thrusters without activating my hips. So essentially I did a bunch of squats with a reverse curl into a shoulder press. My legs were pretty smoked, so it made more sense for me to tax my shoulders/arms and save my legs for the rowing the burpees. The burpees were awful with the vest.

Rowing Split
Round Split

Rest 15 minutes

New Skill WOD:
  Butterfly Pull-Ups
  Triple Unders

TIME: 7:30
NOTES: This was a fun WOD.  I'm glad Andy threw this in at the end of a long day. The deeper I got into the WOD, the easier the butterfly pull ups were. I was actually able to link 10+ together. I also linked 8+ triple unders together.

Check Out
4 x 1min Planks
3 x 10 GHD Sit-Ups

Cheers to last day of first-year law school classes!

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