Saturday, May 4, 2013

2012 CrossFit Games Chipper

11:30am @ RNCF

3 x Skill Work
3 x Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
20 sec L-Sit
HS Walk

NOTES: These pull-ups fell pretty easy with the 5lbs. I think it's time to add a couple pounds next time. L-sits still suck. It's also really hard to do HS walks when there are a lot of people in your way.

Power Snatch:
3 x 65
2 x 85
2 x 105
1 x 115
1 x 120
1 x 125
1 x 130

NOTES: I stopped after 130 because I wasn't feeling too strong with these today. My body is still pretty beat up from yesterday, and my elbows were feeling a little funky, so I cut myself off at 130. I'm still pretty proud of that lift.

2012 CF Games Chipper:
10 OH Squat (105)
10 Box Jump Overs (20")
10 Thrusters (Fat Bar 95)
10 Power Cleans (125)
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans
10 Thrusters
10 Box Jump Overs
10 OH Squats

TIME: 12:25
NOTES: I just watched the girls do this on TV a couple nights ago. I watched J.F. rock this WOD out in under 8:00. I have a lot more respect for that time now that I've done it. I got done with my first T2B at 3:32. I got off the rings just under 8:00. And then it took me about 4:30 to finish up after the MUs. I did both sets of my OH Squats UB, which was tough - it helped that Andy was yelling at me at the end. The box jump overs were the rest. The thrusters weren't too bad once I started engaging my hips. I went 6-4 for both sets. I did all my power cleans in both sets as singles.  I probably could have strung a couple together, but I didn't want to blast my grip for the MUs and the OH squats. The toes to bar were actually pretty hard today because my abs are on fire from the GHDs yesterday. I think I did like 6-4 and then 4-3-3. That's pitiful. The burpess MUs weren't that bad. I probably didn't need to rest as much as I did. I didn't no rep at all, so that was good. I was pretty impressed with my performance. It was a great, heavy WOD. I just wanted to get under the 15min time cap. And I did :)

And, I just took a peak at the Games' results. Out of the 36 women that got to participate in the Chipper, my time would have been enough for me to place 29th. The slowest time was 15:52. That's cool.  Sometimes I feel like those women in the Games are unbeatable, but apparently they aren't.

Rest 25 minutes

3 Rounds:
50M Sled Push (Sled + 50lb)
100M Farmer's Carry (50lb DB in each hand)

TIME: 12:30
NOTES: I did this with Andy in the alley at RNCF. This was actually way more challenging than I thought it would be. My legs were pretty smoked from the WOD, so my quads and my calves blew up super fast on the sled. I broke up the farmer's walk into 50/50; 30/20/30/20; 30/20/50. I pretty much used every ounce of energy in my finger tips to get that last 50m UB.

Cheers to three loads of laundry!

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