Friday, May 10, 2013

Event Six: Take One

4:30pm @ RNCF

3 x Skill Work
30 Free Standing HS Shoulder Touches
3 MU

NOTES: I worked on keeping my feet below the rings, which is a problem I (used to) have. My MUs actually felt the best they ever have today. I'm pumped to do Event 2/3 tomorrow to see how my burpee muscle ups hold up. 

3 x 65
3 x 85
2 x 105
1 x 115
1 x 125
1 x 130
1 x 137
1 x 142 (PR!)
1 x 145 (PR!!!)


NOTES: I didn't think too much about my warm-up sets. I didn't think I would PR today. But, when I threw up 130 like it was nothing, I knew it was going to be a good day. I hit 142# on the first try. Then, after three failed attempts, I pulled it together and stood up 145# like a boss. Ha.


Back Squat
1 x 135
1 x 175
1 x 205
1 x 215

NOTES: My back squats felt awful today. You win some, you lose some. I stopped becasue my back was not feeling it, and neither was I.

Rest 15 minutes.

2013 Regionals Event 6
[15 minute cap]
100 DU
40 T2B
30 Shoulder to OH w/ Axle (100#)
90ft. Walking Front Rack lunge (100#)

TIME: 13:14

100 DU
40 T2B
30 S to OH
90ft Lunge

The most awful, awful part of this workout, by far, without argument, was the front rack lunge. The Axle was a little difficult to clean, but it didn't affect my Shoulder to OHs too much. I felt pretty good in this WOD. I can probably take a little less rest in the S to OH.

You can't really tell in this picture, but this is an obese barbell. Fatty. 

Check Out: 
4 x 20 Hollow Rocks
4 x 10 GH Raises


I'm a very lucky girl! I got hooked up with two more tanks and new pink wrist wraps! Can't wait to break them in tomorrow!  Thanks Billy, you're the best!

Cheers to MVC Track & Field Conference Championships! (Go Kelly!)

1 comment:

  1. I will never get sick of laughing while reading things like "I threw up 130 like it was nothing.." Love you Paige and so inspired by your progress in such a short time but really just by YOU because guess what- no matter what most people put into this sport they CANNOT do what you can do!

