Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cleans & Bar Facing Burpees

6:30pm at RNCF

2 Rounds Not for Time
All with 35# KB
Goblet Squats

NOTES: These are all movements in the comp this weekend. The thruster felt super awkward. The snatches feel super easy.

Power Clean
5 x 3 @ 70% (145)

NOTES: These were way too light. I was able to crank through these really fast. I need to focus on catching the bar in a good front rack position with my elbows up high.

Push Jerk
5 x 3 @ 60% of split jerk (125)

NOTES: These were really light. I tried to think about keeping my dip straight up and down - and not lean forward at all.

OH Squat
5 x 3 @ 70% (135)

NOTES: These did NOT feel light. My hip tightened up pretty bad - and that didn't make squatting easy. Also, I made the mistake of having my first rep be my first weighted squat of the day. I probably should have taken a couple warm up reps before jumping right to 135#. Oh well.

Clean/Burpee Comp WOD
Bar Facing Burpee

REPS: 93 reps (got 3 cleans in 18 round)
NOTES: I did all singles after the 6rep round. I don't know if this was the best decision. It's hard to go fast on the burpees. I don't think I will change much of anything. I just need to set my back before every rep. My back was fried after this.

Deficit HSPU
2min max deficit HSPU

REPS: 17
NOTES: SO much harder than I thought. I've never tried to do a ton of reps in a row. Usually there is another movement in between. Also, once you fatigue, you're kind of screwed.

Bar Muscle Ups
5 x 2UB bar muscle ups on the fat bar

NOTES: I haven't done these for awhile and I wanted to play with the movement.

Shoulder check out.

Cheers to Oreos!

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