Monday, November 18, 2013

Legs on Legs on Legs


Back Squat 7x3 (210#) - The first set was awful.  But the rest got a lot better.  I realized that I was letting my abs collapse at the bottom, which was making standing up very difficult.  Once I realized that, I tried to focus on my breathing which helped stabilize me. 

EMOTM 16: Odd-5 Chest to Bar; Even-(Muscle Up into)3 Strict Dips. I did all the chest to bar butterfly.  These all felt really good and easy.  My butterfly C2B are kind of a hit or miss these days - so I was happy that I got all these in.  Also, the only rings that were available were the high rings, and, honestly, I just didn't feel like moving them.  So, I did a muscle up into the strict dips.  These dips were very easy.  This felt good to be confident in these movement. 

E1:20 for 8 sets, 20 UB WB: I'm getting a lot better at these.  Thank god.  I didn't break on any of them.  It was taking me about 40-41 seconds to complete the WB each round.  My shoulders blew up around the 4th round, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. 

25min airdyne 30sec 90%/30 sec 50% - This was awful.  My legs were shot after about 5 min.  I settled into a hard but consistent pace. I think it ended up being like 6.5mi and like 250 cals. I tried to keep it as consistent as possible without completely dying before the 25 minutes were up. 

Hooray for CrossFit!  

Cheers to chocolate frosting! 

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