Thursday, July 18, 2013

So hot...milk was a bad choice

5:30pm at FitBodies

3 RFT:
5 Bar MU
10 KB Swing (53)

TIME: 2:51
NOTES: One thing that I do not suggest, is doing sets of 5 UB bar MU the day after you did 180 pull ups.  Just saying. That was the only reason why I wasn't faster.  I literally had to wait at the bar for my hands to extinguish.

Power Clean & Jerk
Find 1RM

1 x 125
1 x 155
1 x 175
1 x 190
1 x 200 (fail)

NOTES: I always freak out when I put 200# on the bar. I literally change everything I do. Such a mental case. Also, when the weight gets heavy, as you can see in the video, I start doing a weird split/half squat catch. Not good.

OTM Weight Training

7 x 1 OTM Power Snatch at 85% (125)

NOTES: This was awful, awful, awful, awful, awful. Did I mention this was awful? I literally missed a rep every single round, except for one or two.  I wasn't getting under the bar.  The bar was flying out like crazy.  I was getting mad.  Clearly this has been an issue with me lately.  Maybe I should take a sabbatical from snatching for awhile.  Yes? No?

7 x 1 OTM Power Clean & Jerk at 85% (160)

NOTES: This felt so much better.  Jenna and I actually changed this to one rep every 45 seconds because we needed to hurry up if we were going to get the WOD in. I can totally tell a huge difference when I don't lean forward in my jerk - the bar just floats up in the air like a angel :)

10 Burpees
25 Double Unders

NOTES: To be honest, I lost track of how many I got.  Jenna said she got 11, and I was a couple rounds ahead of her.  I was proud of myself that I didn't miss any double unders.  I wasn't the biggest fan of this WOD, so I kind of made it into a game.  Each round I pretended like I was at the Games and you HAD to get all your DU unbroken in order to move on in the WOD.  Apparently the fake pressure I put on myself helped.  I'm such a CrossFit nerd.  I love it.  This WOD just made me sweat a ton.  My shirt weighted about 20 pounds when I was done (so, I practically did the WOD in a weight vest...I should've done this in a weight vest...). I never know what to think about WODs like this.  I don't really get tired.  I don't rest.  It's just constant movement from one movement to the next.  Should I speed up? Tom, how am I supposed to attack these?  I need goal times in these WODs.  I like how RNCF keeps records of every WOD.  I think that's really helpful.  Can you tell I'm just rambling now? I just got done with 2 hours of legal research/editing. After I worked out for 2 hours.  After I worked 9 hours.

1 Mile Run
3 minute rest
1 Mile Run

NOTES: Well, the heat index in Bloomington was 102 today.  Needless to say, it was so HOTTT. My IT bands and my glutes are shot from yesterday's pistols. I just wanted to get these miles in and not worry about time.  Jenna and I had a good pace going.  Nice and easy. We ran about a 9:25 and then a 9:15.  Nothing to be crazy about, but nothing to be worried about either. 

P.S. I wore my Real Fitness top today in honor of Talayna, and she liked my picture on Instagram.  Best. Day. Ever. 

Cheers to peach cobbler!

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