Sunday, July 28, 2013

Partner WOD

11pm @ RNCF

2 Rounds Not for Time:
10 Sots Presses (45# bar)
10 OH Squats
50 DU

NOTES: I didn't bring my own rope. I forgot how much it stinks to not have a rope cut for your height. I should probably go heavier on the sots press (says Andy).

Front Squat
Find 1RM
1 x 125
1 x 155
1 x 175
1 x 195 (PR)
1 x 210 (PR!!)
1 x 215 (fail, fail, fail)

NOTES: My old PR was 190. But this was really outdated. Even though I'm excited about a 20# PR, I still think it could have been more. But, I think your front squat is supposed to be at least 80% of your back squat. 80% of my back squat is 204. I missed my first 215 at the bottom. I couldn't stand it up at all. But, I got more comfortable with the weight and was able to stand up out of the bottom for the last two attempts - but I couldn't stand it up all the way. I need to remember to be able to control myself on the way down and pop out of the bottom while staying engaged. Sometimes I go way too slow and get stuck in the squat.  It's kind of humbling posting a video of a no-rep.

3 Rounds
20 Ring Dips
20 Pistols
20 GHDs
200m Run

TIME: 11:?
NOTES: I wasn't planning on doing this WOD before the partner WOD, but I had about 25 minutes to spare. I did the ring dips pretty easily. I did them in sets of 15s/10s/5s. The pistols felt a little bit off today. The GHDs are never fun. I think they tweak my back more than they engage my abs. I also love running in my lifting shoes. Not.

Partner WOD
2 Rounds
50 cal Row
50 Burpee Box Jumps
50 Power Cleans (65#)
50 Lateral Bar Hops
50 Air Squats
20 Wall Walks
(Partner works while other partner runs one lap)

TIME: 33:27
NOTES: My partner and I made a good team. We were good compliments of each other. This WOD would have been great, except that my legs were fatigued from the squats, so I didn't use them AT ALL in the 100 power cleans (which I did 75 of for my team). This was the stupidest thing I could have done. I'm actually really mad at myself. I'm also kind of mad that a coach didn't yell at me. That was a really stupid thing to do. I've just been reading a ton about efficiency of movement and making sure that every rep is performed perfect and with precision. And, as a result of my stupidity, my back hurts so incredibly bad. I guess that's what I get.

It was fun to watch the Games this weekend, but it also made me angry that I wasn't there competing. It just adds fuel to my fire.

More on this later.

Cheers to Amtrak!

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