Monday, July 8, 2013

30 Ways to Train Better

Tom posted an article this morning:  "30 Ways to Train Better". I think it's a pretty solid list that is more than worth sharing. Some seem more applicable than others. 

And here it is. 

  1. Finish every last rep, regardless of your time or placing
  2. practice ‘intentional perfection’
  3. write down each WOD and strength workout and your results
  4. go to that “dark place”
  5. study mobility WOD
  6. foam roll
  7. lacrosse ball
  8. stretch
  9. sleep 8 hours a night
  10. eat breakfast (preferably healthy)
  11. show up early and get a great warmup
  12. hydrate
  13. eat well (whatever this needs to look like and mean to you)
  14. work one on one with a gymnastics coach
  15. study gymnastics WOD
  16. learn proper gymnastics movement progressions
  17. work one on one with an olympic lifting coach
  18. check out Spencer Arnold’s Olympic Lifting Blog
  19. PR your snatch
  20. PR your Clean and Jerk
  21. set SMART goals and write them down!
  22. take an active recovery day
  23. learn burpee mechanics and “skill transfer”
  24. cheer on the athletes better than you
  25. cheer on the newest athletes in the gym
  26. film yourself practicing your weaknesses
  27. know all of your gym’s members names, use them!
  28. practice squatting with vertical torso, hitting full bottom, and activating stretch reflect bounce out of bottom
  29. high five the new person at the gym
  30. HAVE FUN

Cheers to sunburn!

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