Friday, March 15, 2013

stretching and rebooting

I woke up pretty sore in my hammies and back.  Surprisingly, my quads (which were the bane of my existence yesterday) don't feel too shabby.

The name of the game today was STRETCH.

I went to the gym in my apartment building today and rolled out for about 30 minutes with a foam roller and a lacrosse ball. If you've never rolled with a lacrosse ball, do it. It will rock your world.


I am really excited to go out and celebrate St. Patty's Day! I realized that I haven't had much of a social life this entire semester because I have definitely let CrossFit consume every hour of every day of every week

It was dramatically revealed to me last night that this obsession has gone a bit too far. My attitude and mood are directly correlated to my performance. When I PR, I have a great day.  When I miss lifts and don't hit times on metcons, I become a walking, talking ball of angry stress. This is NOT a way to live your life, folks. 

As I was venting about this problem, a friend delivered to me these wise words: 

"...we do a sport that 99 percent of people don't even know 
exists or understand in anyway and don't care about.
There are much more important things that you
should derive your identity and self worth from" 

It's not that I'm going to be less dedicated to the sport or less passionate about my training, I just need to remember that CrossFit does NOT define me as a person. 

For most people that's obvious, but it's kind of hard for me remember it all the time. 

Cheers to being Irish! 

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