Thursday, January 2, 2014

Heavy Thrusters


8:00am at CFBN

Bench Press 
Build to quick 2RM Bench
2 x 95
2 x 125
2 x 140 (failed final rep)

NOTES: I got 125# pretty easy.  Then I jumped to 140# and missed my second rep half way up. 

A. Front squat
4x4 @ 70%, 20x1, Rest 2 min (155#)

NOTES: I tried to bounce out of the bottom on these.  They felt good.  

B. EMOTM 12:
Squat clean & split jerk
4 min @ 145
4 min @ 155
4 min @ 165

NOTES: These felt fine.  Nothing special.  

C. For time:
12 thrusters (135)
7 muscle-ups
8 thrusters (135)
5 muscle-ups
4 thrusters (135)
3 muscle-ups

TIME: 10:35.  
NOTES: This was so frustrating.  Their rings are hung from a super tall warehouse ceiling by these weird wires that bounce a ton, so it's really hard to do muscle ups.  The rings were bouncing and it was so hard to keep the rings in tight.  Because of this I had to do all singles and wait a lot in between because the rings would swing like crazy.  The thrusters were a lot easier than I thought they would be.  I did my first set in 5/3/2/2, then 4/2/2, then 4.  I think it took me about 1:50 to do the first 12.  All the time was from the MUs. 

I leave for Doug Chapman's Training Camp tomorrow! Hopefully it's amazing. 

Cheers to snowflakes! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

HAPPY 2014!


10:45 @ CrossFit Bloomington-Normal

A. Snatch grip RDL
3x8-10, 31x1, Rest 2 min - 135# (with men's bar). 

NOTES: There weren't any women's bar at the time I did this.  My back felt fine, but I couldn't keep my grip.  It was essentially just a grip workout.  I also thought that my thumbs were going to fall off.   

B. For time:
30 thrusters (65)
500m row
*Goal is sub 3 min.

TIME: 2:57.  
NOTES: I did the thrusters in about :50, and I think I started rowing around :59.  I did my 500 in about 1:58.  The thrusters really weren't that bad.  I probably could have gone a little faster - I had a really steady pace.  I was trying to keep my rowing form under control.  It felt pretty good, but my butt got super cramped up. 

C. 20 min Airdyne @ 50%

NOTES: I put away my bar and jumped on the airdyne.  It actually felt good to bike after the row sprint. 

Cheers to family kick line! 

C+FS+J and 12.2


9:30 at CFBN

A. Squat snatch

NOTES: I just did about 20min of snatching working on form.  I built up to 135#. 

B. Squat clean + Front squat + Split jerk
Build quickly to a tough complex

NOTES: I worked up to 185#.  It felt pretty good.  My cleans feel a lot easier now.  The front squat was pretty easy.  The jerk was the hardest part. The jerk just feels heavy when it comes down. 

C. Back squat
3x5 @ 50%, 27x1 (two seconds down, rest 7 sec at bottom) - 135#
Rest 2-3 min 

NOTES: These kind of hurt my back at the bottom of the squat.  I've never done pause squats before, so I don't really know if I was doing them right. 

D. 12.2
10 min AMRAP:
30 snatches (45)
30 snatches (75)
30 snatches (100)
AMRAP snatches (120)

REPS: 85
NOTES:  I was really disappointed with this.  I did all the 45# unbroken.  Then I did sets of 5 for the first 20 reps for 75#, then 4-3-3.  Then I did singles for 100#.  I didn't have any no reps, which was good.  But, I took too much time/rest throughout the whole thing.  I didn't feel that urgency that I should have.  It was almost like I felt lazy, which has never happened before.  

Cheers to the last workout of 2013! 

Monday, December 30, 2013

50min of WODing


9:30AM at CrossFit Bloomington Normal 

Squat Snatch
Build to tough 1.1.1
3 x 95
3 x 115
3 x 125 (missed last rep)

NOTES: These felt average.  I was bummed I missed that last rep.  I only tried it once because I knew we had a long WOD ahead. 

10 min AMRAP @ 90%:
30 double-unders
20 airdyne calories
10 DB snatches, alternating (45)

ROUNDS: 3 Rounds + 30 DU + 18cals.  
NOTES: It was in the last round that I gashed my achilles.  Fun stuff. The airdyne is still not my favorite. 

Rest 10 min

10 min AMRAP @ 90%:
15 burpees, 6" jump
10 KB swings (55)
5 toes-to-bar

ROUNDS: 4 Rounds + 25.  
NOTES: I don't like burpees when you have to touch stuff.  It makes my shoulders hurt.

Rest 10 min

10 min AMRAP @ 90%:
9 push-ups, hand-release
12 wall balls (14, 10')
15 box jumps, step down (20)

ROUNDS: 5 Rounds + 21.  
NOTES: The wall balls actually didn't feel that bad.  I did all of them unbroken pretty easily. The box jump/step downs were actually the worst. 

I felt good to get three WODs in today.  I haven't done that in awhile. 

Cheers to dancing penguins! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Repeat Regional Event #7


10:30 @ CFBN

Front squat 
5x5 @ 70% (155#).  

NOTES: These felt good.  I tried to bounce out of the bottom.  

Squat snatch
4 min @ 105
4 min @ 115
4 min @ 125 

NOTES: I missed my first rep of 105# and then I missed my first rep of 125#.  I hate how these are still inconsistent.  All my other reps were pretty good.  I'm not jumping forward as much.  

2013 Regional Event 7
4 rounds:
2 rope climbs, 15'
Run 100'
4 squat cleans (135)
Run 100'
*6:28 at regionals. 

TIME: 6:10.
NOTES:  I haven't climbed a rope in a while.  I'm also not used to actually climbing a real 15' rope.  It feels so much taller than the one at RNCF.  I did all these squat cleans as singles.  I think I did some UB sets or couples at Regionals, but I can't really remember.  I know that I didn't rest as much as I did at Regionals between my rope climbs.  

Cheers to Insurgent! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

C&J, T2B & DB Snatches

FRIDAY: 12/27/2013

10:00 at CrossFit Bloomington-Normal 

Max Clean and Jerk
195 - Missed jerk
200 - Missed clean

NOTES: My cleans actually felt pretty great today. I failed the jerk at 195# and then I failed the clean at 200#. 

10x5 UB T2B

TIME: 2:12.  
NOTES: This was pretty easy until the last set.  I pretty much just dropped off the bar, took a couple seconds, then jumped back up.  I felt it in my abs/hip flexors before I felt it in my forearms. I've been working on forearm endurance, so that's a good sign. 

50 DB Snatches (55#), alternating

TIME: 4:20.  
NOTES: I did all of these "unbroken".  I would snatch the DB, put it on the ground, and then pick it back up.  It was a relatively slow and steady pace, but I never really slowed down. 

Cheers to Erudite!

12 Days of Christmas WOD!

12/24/2013 Christmas Eve! 


11 BOX JUMPS (20")
8 WALL BALLS (16# TO 10')
1 200M OH PLATE WALK (35#)

TIME: 33:53
NOTES: This was a fun holiday inspired WOD.  Jenna and I got to introduce Kelly to CrossFit!  We were all sweaty, tired, and ready for presents after this workout!

Christmas Day at Lake Bloomington

Jenna, Kelly and me post-12 Days of Christmas WOD

Hanging out on the frozen lake

CrossFit inspired Christmas cookies

All the cousins on the ice

Christmas Eve babes

Cheers to Happy Holidays!