AM: 6 Sets @ Z1: 1min upper body rolling (supine to prone)/1min bike/1min upper body rolling (prone to supine)/1min bike/1min half-kneeling press/1min bike - This felt good. I think I'm getting better with the rolling, but it's kind of hard to tell when no one is watching me (except that everyone in my apartment gym was watching me...)
Tis the Season! |
7:00 PM at RNCF:
Front Squat 7x3 (180#), rest 2 minutes The first set felt awful and heavy, but I loosened up and these ended up feeling really great. The last handful of sets felt smooth and efficient.
3x5 Seated DB Press (40# DBs) AND Weighted Strict Pull Ups 3x4 (10, 12.5, 18) - Rest 90 sec between alternating sets.
4 Sets @ 90%:1000m row/15 thruster (55#)/15 pull ups/15 burpees (rest 8 min between sets)
Round 1: 4:23 row/6:26
Round 2: 4:22/6:29
Round 3: 4:21/6:31
Round 4: 4:19/6:21
FYI: This is a picture of how NOT to row. How embarrassing. This was at Regionals. I don't know why I felt the need to choke myself out with the handle. The handle should finish below the chest. |
I thought I did a good job keeping a consistent pace. All my rows got faster. I think the more I'm practicing and focusing on my form, the more efficient I'm getting. FYI my 1000m row in Jackie at Regionals was like 4:16. I did all the movements UB. The thrusters were not a problem. My legs were tried, but I was able to push through. I didn't ever come off the pull up bar, but I would do about 10-12 butterfly and then have to switch to kipping for a last couple because I was really out of breath. I don't really know how to breathe when I do larger sets of these. The burpees were not a good time. If you add all up all the sets and the rest, it took about 50minutes to complete with WOD. That's a long time to 'be in the zone' - and it's even longer when you are doing it alone in an empty gym.
Cheers to water shut off!
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