Tuesday, November 26, 2013

100# Step Ups...


EMOTM Squat Cleans. 
Start at 135#, add 10# each minute.  
NOTES: Failed at 195#.  I knew I was going to fail it before I even picked it off the ground. I just didn't have the right mind set.  185# didn't feel too bad, I just have a mental block with anything over 190#. 

Clean Grip RDL
 3 x 4. (205#) 
NOTES: My hands are pretty beat up from the C2B yesterday.  These hurt my hands more than anything.  

5 AMRAP @ 80%
5 DB Burpee Box "jump" overs (50#/hand) (20")/10 walking lunges with 45# plate/15 KB swings (44)
ROUNDS: 2 Rounds + 1 burpee jump over. 
NOTES:  Those db/burpess were INSANE.  A 100# step up is no joke.  Everything else felt fine. 

They did the DB burpee box jump overs at the CrossFit Invitational. 

Rest 5 min. 

5 AMRAP @ 80%:
 7 T2B/7 DL (115#)/ 14 jumping lunges
ROUNDS: 5 Rounds + 14. 
NOTES: My hands felt awful on this.  The movements weren't bad.  I probably could have pushed a little harder. 

Because I only had one big chunk of time in the morning, I just did the AM work after my workout. 

Rowing - Every 2min. for 40 minutes, do either 7/7 Pistols OR 3/3 Hip Airplanes.  
  My splits for these were kind of crazy.  I started really slow at like 2:45 pace, then it moved to about 2:35, and then dropped to about 2:26 at the end.My last 4 rounds dropped to under 2:20 and it felt smooth and easy.  I got more comfortable with each round. 


Cheers to studded boots! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Snatches, Airdyne, & Millions of Wall Balls


11:00AM at RNCF

Snatch pull. snatch pull. squat snatch - Build to tough 1.1.1 in 12 minutes. 

NOTES: Well after I figured out that I didn't have to do three sets of this, it totally changed the game.  I worked up to 135#. 

I think my biggest concern right now is with squat snatching.  I'm really inconsistent with them, even at really light weights.  I continually drop the bar in front of me.  I'm way more consistent with power snatches.  

EMOTM 8: Squat Snatch 85% of 135 = 115#.  

NOTES: This was really bad.  I missed 2 reps on my first attempt and I was jumping forward like 3 feet.  The weight doesn't feel heavy, I just feel totally out of control. I got extremely frustrated with this. 

5 AMRAP - UB power snatch ladder (3-2-1-3...) @ 95#. 

NOTES: This WOD saved me from totally going insane.  The power snatches felt great.  It felt good to move the snatches quickly.  I got through the 3-2-1 five times.  Looking back, I probably should have gone a lot faster, but I don't breathe when I do things unbroken, so I get out of breath really easy. 

3 sets 30s airdyne sprint 

NOTES: these were all at about 14 calories (compared to the 18ish cals at the bike at SLSC) My legs were dead after these - I was pretty much full out.  

3 sets 30s row sprint 

NOTES: I was able to keep the rower at about 1:44 or below the entire time while keeping good form. 

Post WOD:



7:00PM at RNCF

8 x 2 Back Squat @ 87.5% (225#) 

NOTES: I was surprised at how 'good' this felt.  The first set felt pretty heavy, but it seem liked each set got easier. I'm really trying to focus on engaging my core and keeping everything engaged the whole time. 

Deficit HSPU (2") 1 -> 10 with 10 UB C2B Pull Ups in between each round 
ROUNDS: 1 Full Set + 1 HSPU.  

NOTES: To put this into perspective, I did sets of mostly 3s at Regionals for the 100 C2B.  I think it took me about +/- 10ish minutes.  Today it took me 13:30 to complete 100 C2B + 45 DHSPU.  I think that's pretty cool.  I like being forced to do things UB, because that's been a big problem for me.  Before today I don't think I've ever done more than 5 UB in a WOD. I did all the HSPU UB.

E 1:40 25 WB for 8 Rounds 

NOTES: This was pretty awful. That was a lot of wall balls. My shoulders were sore from the C2B and then my legs got pretty beat up. I really hope that next week isn't 30 WB...

30min Airydyne (30s hard/30s easy)

NOTES: I tried to stay really consistent throughout the rounds. I think it was about 270ish cal and 7.5 mi. 

Cheers to big snow flakes! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Split Jerks & Acting like a Waiter


10:00am at RNCF

EMOTM 12 - Split Jerk - Start low and add 10# per set. 

75-85-95-105-115-125-135-145 -155-165-175-185. 

NOTES: This workout really highlighted my inability to change weights quickly. The jerks felt good.  I used a belt for the last three sets. 

Power Clean and Split Jerk 5 x 1.3, Rest 60 

145 - 155 - 165 - 165 - 165. 

NOTES: I'm getting a little bit more comfortable bringing the jerk back down into the front rack position. I think wearing the belt has helped be become a little bit more aware of when to engage my core.  

20 AMRAP at 70%
100'/arm Waiter's Walk (36)/30 Airdyne cals/30s L-Sit/30 row cals/10 strict ring dips/30 airdyne cals/10 body rows 

1 round + completed 30 cal row. 

NOTES: I think the first round took me about 12:30.   I can NOT do L-sits.  I need a lot of work on these.  I had to break up the 30 sec in the second round. 

Cheers to takeout! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Row Intervals


AM: 6 Sets @ Z1: 1min upper body rolling (supine to prone)/1min bike/1min upper body rolling (prone to supine)/1min bike/1min half-kneeling press/1min bike - This felt good.  I think I'm getting better with the rolling, but it's kind of hard to tell when no one is watching me (except that everyone in my apartment gym was watching me...)

Tis the Season! 

7:00 PM at RNCF:

Front Squat 7x3 (180#), rest 2 minutes The first set felt awful and heavy, but I loosened up and these ended up feeling really great.  The last handful of sets felt smooth and efficient. 

3x5 Seated DB Press (40# DBs) AND Weighted Strict Pull Ups 3x4 (10, 12.5, 18) - Rest 90 sec between alternating sets.

4 Sets @ 90%:1000m row/15 thruster (55#)/15 pull ups/15 burpees (rest 8 min between sets) 
Round 1: 4:23 row/6:26
Round 2: 4:22/6:29
Round 3: 4:21/6:31
Round 4: 4:19/6:21

FYI: This is a picture of how NOT to row.  How embarrassing.  This was at Regionals.  I don't know why I felt the need to choke myself out with the handle.  The handle should finish below the chest. 

I thought I did a good job keeping a consistent pace. All my rows got faster.  I think the more I'm practicing and focusing on my form, the more efficient I'm getting. FYI my 1000m row in Jackie at Regionals was like 4:16. I did all the movements UB.  The thrusters were not a problem.  My legs were tried, but I was able to push through. I didn't ever come off the pull up bar, but I would do about 10-12 butterfly and then have to switch to kipping for a last couple because I was really out of breath. I don't really know how to breathe when I do larger sets of these. The burpees were not a good time.  If you add all up all the sets and the rest, it took about 50minutes to complete with WOD.  That's a long time to 'be in the zone' - and it's even longer when you are doing it alone in an empty gym. 

Cheers to water shut off! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Legs on Legs on Legs


Back Squat 7x3 (210#) - The first set was awful.  But the rest got a lot better.  I realized that I was letting my abs collapse at the bottom, which was making standing up very difficult.  Once I realized that, I tried to focus on my breathing which helped stabilize me. 

EMOTM 16: Odd-5 Chest to Bar; Even-(Muscle Up into)3 Strict Dips. I did all the chest to bar butterfly.  These all felt really good and easy.  My butterfly C2B are kind of a hit or miss these days - so I was happy that I got all these in.  Also, the only rings that were available were the high rings, and, honestly, I just didn't feel like moving them.  So, I did a muscle up into the strict dips.  These dips were very easy.  This felt good to be confident in these movement. 

E1:20 for 8 sets, 20 UB WB: I'm getting a lot better at these.  Thank god.  I didn't break on any of them.  It was taking me about 40-41 seconds to complete the WB each round.  My shoulders blew up around the 4th round, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. 

25min airdyne 30sec 90%/30 sec 50% - This was awful.  My legs were shot after about 5 min.  I settled into a hard but consistent pace. I think it ended up being like 6.5mi and like 250 cals. I tried to keep it as consistent as possible without completely dying before the 25 minutes were up. 

Hooray for CrossFit!  

Cheers to chocolate frosting! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Squat Cleans, OH Lunges, Farmer's Walk

7pm at RNCF

Squat Clean
Work Up to 1.1.1
Worked up to: 175#

NOTES: This was really frustrating. I was able to clean 185#, but I wasn't able to stand up the second rep. This happened three times. Ughhhh. It's also weird that I could power clean 180# 24 times in 8 minutes, but I couldn't do two reps at 185#.

Good Mornings
3 x 9 @ 85# (2 minutes rest)

NOTES: I really hate this movement. It honestly scares me. It hurts my back and I never think that I'm doing it right. But, I'm really focusing on my form and I hope I'm getting better. Hopefully.

20 Walking OH Lunges (95#)
100' Farmer's Walk (55/hand)
15 T2B
100' Farmer's Walk (55/hand)

ROUNDS: 2 + Lunge + Farmer's Walk
NOTES: Walking OH Lunges are hard. And they are even harder when there is a gym full of people who are oblivious that I'm trying to walk around them with a heavy barbell over my head. My abs and forearms got pretty cashed from this. I flew through my first round and then wasn't able to keep up the pace for the rest of the time. I went UB on my first set of lunges, then broke it in half, and then broke it into 10/6/4. I did all the Farmer's Walk UB.

I was having flash backs from lunges at Regionals...
Cheers to YMCA and Invisible Coats!

Friday, November 8, 2013


Friday - 8:30 AM @ RNCF

Split Jerk 1.1.1 = 175#. I honestly thought I broke my back when I brought the 175# back down to the front rack position for the first time. I'm not used to bringing that heavy of weight back down on my body, so I caught it with my shoulders back and my low back arched and felt my spine crack. It was horrible and awful and scary. But, I took like 4 minutes and then tried it again and got all three without too much trouble. I feel fine now, it was just a really scary moment - especially with my history of back problems.

EMOTM 8: Split Jerk at 140# - This was really easy.

AMRAP Push Jerk: 130#/9 reps, dropped bar, 1 rep; 123#/6-4; 120#/6-4.
I did 10 reps each time. My shoulders got pretty cashed pretty quick. Then, once I dropped the bar and had to clean it back up it sucked up all my time and I really wasn't that much recovered. I feel like this went really poorly. I should be able to get a lot more reps. Also, I don't know what my max push jerk is - I never push jerk anything heavy - so I just estimated these weights.

20 AMRAP: 200m run/25 HR Push Ups/200m row/10 strict pull ups/200m run/3 wall climbs/200m row/2 legless ropeclimbs at 70% = 2 Rounds + run/25 HR push ups/row.
The pull ups kind of sucked. I was only doing sets of 3 at a time. I was surprised that I did all the push ups UB and they didn't feel too bad. I had never done legless rope climbs before - they were really hard - but I was able to do them. I took like a 20 sec break between climbs. I just tried to keep a good rhythm. It wasn't that bad.

Cheers to lady date!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

PM: Front Squats, 3 Rounds

Thursday at RNCF, 7:30pm

5x5 Front Squat (155#) - These felt pretty good. My hip didn't act up at all. My glutes are just really tight.

Seated DB Press - 35# These felt pretty light-ish. I probably could have used the 40s.

Strict weighted pull ups - 13# kb I tried to do sets with the 26#, but quickly realized that I cannot string weighted pull ups together very well. These were hard. It's weird not to kip at all.

3 sets: 10 thrusters/10 t2b/20 box jump, step down/10 burpees/10 power clean/500m row - rest 8 minutes
Round 1 = 4:32 (2:12 row)
Round 2 = 4:38 (2:14)
Round 3 = 4:38 (2:13.5)

I did all the movements unbroken and quick. The only hard part was the row. As you can see, the row was really slow - but the sad part is is that I was trying really hard. My legs are a little (maybe more that a little) beat up from all the high volume rowing/biking that I've been doing lately. I'm not used to that.

I don't like being rushed at the gym. I wasn't able to get in until about 7:30 (and the gym closes at 9:00pm). I also don't like doing everything by myself. It's a bummer.

WANTED: Training partner.

Cheers to blueberry scones!

Wake Up! AM Pistols


7:20 AM

30 Minute bike - Every 2 minutes 14 Pistols (7 each leg)

Let me do the math for you. That's 15 rounds of 14 pistols. 15 x 14 = 210. What a great wake-up call.

My calves are pretty wrecked from the 500 double unders yesterday, but - besides that - I actually felt pretty good. I rolled out after my workout this morning.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

30 MU for Time; 500 DU & More

Fresh Start. New programming. No more journal article. Yipee!

I haven't been able to blog this semester because I've been working on a HUGE project (85 pages and 512 footnotes...) that has literally sucked up every minute of my time outside the gym. Hopefully I'll be able to post more regularly.

AM - 30 minute airdyne (every 2 minutes 30 second plank on each side).
I did the bike/side plank stuff this morning. It was pretty chill.

PM - 30 MU for time = 6:05

5/4/3/3/3/3/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/1) I had 15 reps at 2:06. I started cashing out on about rep 23, when I had to switch to singles. I no repped 3 MU because I couldn't get out of my dip. That's never happened to me before. I was pushing so hard but my triceps were beat. I wasn't even breathing hard at the end. But my traps and triceps just blew up like crazy.

Rest 10-15 minutes.

2K Row - 500 DU - 3 Mile airdyne = 29:19 (9:19 row, 8:40ish DU, 11:19 bike)

The row was the easiest thing. I actually had a negative split on my 1000s, but only by a couple seconds. My shoulders were toast on the DU. I tried to do sets of 25-50. After about 300 I was doing smaller sets of about 20-30. I probably took too much rest in between the sets. I didn't have my phone/clock by me, so I didn't have any concept of time. The bike sucks. I don't know why I can't go fast. I feel like I try and change my speed/intensity, but nothing happens. You had my goal time at 26:00. At 26:00 I was at 2.1 miles on the bike (still had 0.9mi to go). My calves are pretty beat from that. I rolled them out for awhile before I left.

P.S. It's hard to count 500 reps.

Cheers to Go Revs!