Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Power Cleans & Burpees

6pm @ RNCF

3 Rounds Not for Time
5 2 arm C&J with KB (26)
20 Hollow Rocks
2 Rope Climbs

NOTES: I had never done C&J with the KB. It was interesting. I had a problem keeping the KB in close to my body.

Clean & Jerk
20min to find 1RM
1 x 85
1 x 125
1 x 155
1 x 170
1 x 180 (failed jerk, make!)

NOTES: I usually never fail on my jerk. That was strange for me. I actually hit myself in the chin with the bar on the way up and it totally threw me off. It also hurt pretty bad. Even though I wasn't catching the squat cleans in a good position, I was able to stand them up. Even just a couple of months ago, standing up a 180# front squat when your butt is pretty much on the ground would have been out of the question. Now, I'm confident in my legs and my ability to correct poor form - which I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. My back felt a little bothered on the cleans, so I decided not to push it. I found my 1RM for TODAY. I'm trying to listen to my body more. And it was definitly telling me to stop.

Find 1RM dead
5 x 135
1 x 180
1 x 215
1 x 245
1 x 265 (fail, fail)

NOTES: I am just going to put this out there right away...I HATE dead lifts. They scare me and they get in my head. Because of my history of back surgery/degenerative disc disease, etc., I am really weary of maxing on deads just for the sake of maxing. To better explain how irrational I am about deadlifting, I felt like I needed to 'warm up' with a couple reps at 135. If you remember (or if you read the above entry), I had just gotten done squat cleaning and lifting 180# over my head. But, yet, I was scared to just pick it off the ground. I'm a weirdo. When I started to lift 265 off the ground I felt my back curl and my low back start to pull, so I immediatley set it back down. That happened twice.

3 Rounds
15 Power Cleans (145#)
20 Burpees (must touch target 6" above reach)

TIME: 9:59
NOTES: This is an adaptation of the WOD that RNCF did today. It was fun to throwdown with Kayla and Mr. RxBar! I was pretty pleased with my effort. I was surprised how quickly 145# got heavy. I was able to bang out 6 UB reps in the first round, followed by some more UB reps. After I got to about rep 11-12, I pulled singles the entire time. I thought I did a good job getting right back on the bar after I dropped it and took a breath. I tried to move quickly and efficiently through the burpees. I'm glad I did them with the Games standard - it totally changes up the difficulty.

This isn't anything new, but tonight I realized how bad I want to be a great CrossFit competitor. If you want it, you definitely have to put in the work. And then some. And I am 100% willing to do that. Hopefully some changes happen soon :)

Cheers to pennies!

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