3 Rounds Not for Time:
50 DU
10 Sots Press
10 GHD Sit Ups
NOTES: These all felt great. Nothing new.
Squat Snatch 3 x 3 @ 75% (110)
2 x 2 @ 80% (115)
NOTES: These felt really light and quick, but when I watch the video I realize that I'm still pushing the bar forward and chasing the momentum. I can't wait to work with Brian again this Thursday.
Hold split 3 seconds.
3 x 3 @ 75% (150)
2 x 2 @ 80% (160)
NOTES: Chad gave me a tip that may seem obvious, but it wasn't obvious to me. He told me to push my head back BEFORE I dip, so I'm not trying to perfectly time the bar passing my face and my face moving out of the way. I've witnessed someone someone smack their face with a bar, and it's not pretty. These felt good and stable.
Clean Pull
I did a handful of pulls at 190#. They felt pretty good, but I didn't do the recommended sets.
2013 Games Final WOD:
Cinco 1
3 Rounds
5 DL (I did it at 235, but the Games was 265)
5 R leg weighted pistols (35# KB)
5 L leg weighted pistols (35# KB)
80' Handstand
(7min cap)
1 Minute Transition...
Cinco 2
3 Rounds
5 MU
5 Deficit HSPU (9" deficit)
90' OH Walking Lunge (100# axle)
(7min cap)
TIME: Cinco 1 - 7:02 (I was 3/4 of the way done with the HS walk at the time cap. 1 second penalty for not completing the walk + 1 second penalty for not getting to the 'stop' mat)...Tied for 20th at Games.
Cinco 2 - 7:08 (I had 1 MU up + 5 deficits + OH Lunges left + not getting to stop mat = 8 second penalty)...20th at Games.
NOTES: I was impressed that I could move 235#. I'm still not comfortable with deads, so pulling 235# 15 times seemed scary. The weighted pistols caught my butt on FIRE! And my back fatigued so bad from the dead lifts that it started tightening up when I was trying to hold the KB on the pistols. At one point, I had to drop the bell because my back hurt. The walking HS was fine. I probably could have gone a little bit faster. I didn't realize I was running out of time.
1 :24; :50 (:26); 1:14 (:24)
2 1:55 (:41); 2:30 (:35); 3:08 (:38)
3 4:17 (1:09); 5:01 (:44); 5:48 (:47)
@ 50ft 6:48 @ 70ft 7:00
Cinco 2 made me angry. I should have been able to get to the walking lunges. I did 2/1/1/1 on my MU and 3/1/1 on my deficits for the first round. Then I did all singles. I hate making excuses, so I don't even want to write this, but the rings at CFBN are a lot different than any other rings I've ever worked on. They have a ton of slack (they are hung from a warehouse ceiling) and then bounce out when you catch in the dip. Long story short, these rings exaggerated my bad habit of not keeping the rings close in my pull. I was literally standing, staring at the rings for the last 2 minutes. I had about 4-5 no reps. I should never miss a muscle up like that. Even though I didn't make it to the lunge, I wanted to test it out. It was hard, but I was able to do it once Jenna reminded me to keep my core tight.
1 3/1/1 8:59 (:59); 3/1/1 9:42 (:43)
2 1/1/1/1/1 11:35 (1:52); 1/1/1/1/1 12:43 (1:08)
3 1/1/1/1 - I had 2:17 left after the 2nd round. 5 MU should have been no problem.
Hopefully I can repeat this WOD in a couple of months and do it prescribed (265# dead lift here I come!) at RNCF.
Cheers to score keeper Jenna!
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