Thursday, August 29, 2013


7:00pm @ RNCF

General Warm Up

100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats

TIME: 14:01
NOTES: I was super happy that I got to do this WOD with Katie. She is the best at body weight/endurance WODs, so it was good for me to try and keep up. I set the pace for the pull ups. I got done in 4:30. I butterflied for about the first 25, but it always feels like it's grinding my shoulder. Not good. I started with sets of 15-10, then 5, then 3, then 2. I only had to do 2 singles at the very end. I don't want to make excuses, but the bar was SO slippery tonight. My hands were literally sliding right off. Ugh. The push ups were awful. I did sets of 10 till about 50, then I did a mix of sets of 3-10. My form is awful. My biggest downfall in this WOD was the sit-ups. I got off the bar like 10 or so reps before Katie, and I was able to get in almost 20 sit-ups before she got down on the ab mat. BUT she beat me by almost 20 reps. So Katie was basically doing 2 situps for my 1. This is not acceptable. I did all the situps UB and I was moving as fast as my body would allow me. After the WOD, Katie showed me her 'trick'. She lifts her hips off the ground when she throws her body back, so she can used the force and the kip of her hips to help propell her body forward. I think this will help. I need to practice it more. The squats were sneaky. I did 50 squats super duper fast without any fatigue. But at about 55 I hit a wall. I finished with a set of 25, 10, 10.

Katie and I are going to do Thursday night WODs together. I'm excited :)

Power Clean
15min to find 1RM Power clean
1 x 85
1 x 125
1 x 155
1 x 170
1 x 180 (fail, make)

NOTES: I haven't done a ton of heavy power cleans lately. I've been focusing on good oly form - so I've been squat cleaning a lot more. I was glad I could get 180# up. I could have probably gone up a little bit, but my wrist was bothering me and I ran out of time.

Find 1RM jerk from the blocks
1 x 125
1 x 155
1 x 175
1 x 185 (fail, make)

NOTES: It literally took me longer to move, set-up, and rebuild the blocks then it did for me to actually find my 1RM. Annoying! Katie pointed out that I need to take every rep seriously. I need to do the same form, drop low, and stick each landing like I would for a max. The blocks were a little bit too high for me, so I would kind of brush it on my dip, which would throw off my mojo. I'm glad I got 185#. When I watched the video, it actually looked pretty good. I'm looking forward to getting these numbers back up.

Back Squat
1RM back squat off blocks
1 x 185
1 x 215
1 x 225

NOTES: My legs were feeling kind of fatigued once I got to these. I tried to focus on keeping my core tight. I was able to stand up 225# a lot easier than I did on Monday. I didn't attempt 235# because I could tell my back was getting tired and I didn't want to sacrifice form just for a couple more pounds.

8 x 250 with 1:30 rest


NOTES: I tried to stay as consistent as I could on my rows tonight. I think my form is getting better, but I still pull to my neck/collar bone. That's not good. My butt hurt and I was sweating a lot when I was done, so I think it did its job.

Cheers to block parties!

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